Sunday, June 8, 2008

People are so surprising

The other day I wandered over to Blue Moon Burgers where I get my occasional, ok, every day diet coke. Nick, one of the owners, is a great guy and I have met lots of his staff and they are all really nice. So I'd met Joe a few times. He works behind the counter. Nice looking young guy. So the other day Joe was sitting outside and we started to talk. The weather, what did you do last night sort of stuff. Then he tells me he writing a book and going to publish it. So I ask what it's about and Joe starts to tell me all about it. It's a book on a sort of meditation he's created to link up with the power of the universe. I call it God, but it goes by as many names as there are people. And he's telling me the origins of his process and about the oracle Delphi, "Know Thyself". And suddenly we're talking transformation and surrender and rising from the ashes like a phoenix. Who knew? I can't say I understood all he was telling me, but I like to read that book. You sure never know by looking at someone what stories they have, what talents they have, or really any darn thing about them. I guess we all just need to talk to each other more.
Stay with the Love. Diane

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