Friday, June 13, 2008


Hey, did you ever have one of those days when you felt nuttier than a fruitcake? You know what I mean. Untethered, a bare string holding you in place. And then there's a part of you watching all that and going, uh huh, that feels kinda bad and weird and yet at the same time, like what's the big deal drama all about? Yep, it's one of those days. To top it all off it's my birthday. So that feels kind of great and awful at the same time too. whoopee!!!!!!!!! Having fun now. What's this got to do with lamps and lighting? Not a damn thing. Here's what someone said to me today......Life goes on...........and it does - so let the light shine, let your light shine, let my light shine. Shine, shine, shine. Stay with the Love. Didi

1 comment:

Clover said...

I knew you were going to be really good at this blog thing. :) Can't wait for more. XOXOXO